Europe is in shambles, and every day the situation is getting worse and worse. You will have to unite disparate states into a strong empire, and you are absolutely free to use any means.
Diplomatic cunning, war, dynastic marriages, intrigue, espionage, bribery and more. You will help loyal knights and spies skilled, experienced diplomats and dedicated people. Conclude trade deals, participate in alliances, defend and attack the city – become the ruler of Europe! /
Projektleitung: Christoph Klempau
Content: Frank Fay, Sabine Kaiser, Nadine Knobloch
Programmierung: Ralf Praschak
Graphiken & Layout: Vesselin Efremov, Christoph Klempau, Ralf Praschak
Seligenstädter Grund 1
D-63150 Heusenstamm
HRB 34163
Gerichtsstand: Offenbach am Main
UST-ID Nr.: DE161045541
Steuernummer: 035 243 45786
Telefon: 49 6104 948 20
Fax: 49 6104 948 217
(Bitte das Kontaktformular benutzen)
Game Information:
Rumors grow best in the dark – the Day / Night cycle
Kinghts of Honor – Screenshot
System Requirements :
Pentium III / Athlon 1 GHz
256 MB of memory
3D-accelerator with 16 MB of memory
1.3 GB hard drive
Pentium 4/Athlon XP 1.5 GHz
512 MB of memory
3D-accelerator with 64 MB of memory
1.3 GB hard drive
Knights of Honor features
To enhance the depth of the gamer world, Knights of Honor features a day / night -cycle which will be visually represented in the game. As night approaches the villagers and peasants go into their houses, light the lamps and cease working. Some even start a fire in the fireplace to warm themselves, tell tales and stories or sing songs. In the castle the guards start to light torches along the walls and around the gates.
Night also offers tactical advantages. It is harder for enemies to recognize soldiers at night than during the day. Under the cloak of night an assault can be more effective than by day.
On the other hand, night has also an affect on the soldiers’ morale. Inasmuch as soldiers do not like to fight or march by night, even strong armies can become very vulnerable if marched long distances before the assault without stopping to camp, or after a night of combat. Assaulting a fully rested army can also be a very dangerous task.
Example for night affecting the outcome of a battle:
The player has built up a siege army with a lot of siege equipment to conquer a realm. He knows that marching with siege equipment makes the army very slow and vulnerable and therefore decides to add more units for protection, sending a large invading army to the Realm he wants to conquer.
Night slowly approaches and the player now has two options. He knows that by day the castle can see him far in advance, allowing them to mount an assault before he can bring his siege equipment into position. He can now either use a route through a valley, which is the shortest way, or around it and risk arriving at the castle in broad daylight.
The player decides to take the valley. It is still night and, as his army moves through the valley, they are suddenly caught in an ambush. The Knight recognizes them too late, and there is no time to group the units into a better defensive formation. Although the attacker has only a few units, his men are rested and prepared for the ambush. The players’ units, on the other hand, marched all day with ever-decreasing morale, which fell even lower with the coming of night. The attacker wins the battle while the player loses all his siege equipment and a lot of men without even managing to get close to the castle.
In this case, the best strategy would have been to wait until night to take the longer route and then set up camp in the woods at dawn, before continuing the march the next night. Of course, only if the enemy hasn’t sent reinforcements overnight….
Cheats Knights Of Honor
Here you will find the user left Imhonet links to resources where you can download the game Knights Of Honor for free, without registration and SMS. On the page you can download Knights Of Honor from torrent trackers pc, psp, ps3, xbox360, nintendo_wii, ds.
Please check with Google for download links >>>>>>>>>>
Cheats and codes
– a special combination of keys that allow players to gain additional opportunities in the game. Cheats for Knights Of Honor and the codes for the game can be used not only to help in the difficult passage levels, but also for training purposes – much more fun to play the game yourself and be honest, but before that it would not hurt to get acquainted with the situation of interest to the game world.
Codes and cheats for the game
Cheats and codes for the game Knights Of Honor hidden from automatic backup.
Knights of Honor is a strategy game in isometric 3D on PC. As king, it is your duty to bring glory and power to your humble kingdom. Several instruments are available: war, diplomacy and economy. A unique management knights can develop your own strategy.
Publisher: Sunflowers
Developer: Black Sea Studios
Type: Strategy / Wargame
France Released: September 30, 2004
Classification: T – 12 years
Knights of Honor is a real-time wargame set during the troubled times of the Middle Ages. It allows you to take control of the destiny of a kingdom and develop both a military point of view that diplomatic or civilian. But unlike a Europa Universalis example, the game is much easier to handle and it is also less austere.
A complete staretegy war game
Finally! Finally a wargame that offers not only austere cards as playground. Knights of Honor has indeed graphics which, although not being the latest generation have the merit of making the parties more enjoyable thanks to small details like a nice aerial view of the action (as in games strategy) for the management part but also and especially for the battles. Indeed, it is quite possible to participate in fighting between two armies to how a strategy game where you decide to attack.
The view is closer to the action in the management mode. You move your troops with the mouse and can decide to adopt different configurations (triangle, square …). Moreover, for those who love this aspect struggle, a battle mode and attack are present. There are no longer to deal with the economy and the production of his kingdom. It is in the battle mode, to participate in a battle between two armies composed randomly on a random map. In assault mode, you choose to play forwards or defensemen respectively destroy the fortifications of a city or protect. Only regret that the battle mode is not available in the single player campaign (clashes are then handled automatically).
Game Mode
The game is much less austere on the graphics than many other wargames.
Multiplayer allowing six people to face is present. Four game modes are available. In addition to the modes “Battle” and “assault” which we have already spoken for solo play, it is also possible to participate in historical battles that have been reconstructed (Battle of Hastings, Nicopolis …). Finally, a way that domination is to capture the towers located on the map is included. Although the presence of a multi is significant, we regret that it is limited to simple battles between several armies and there is no possibility that each player controls a kingdom to develop. It would have been really interesting, and it would be for example able to combine his friends to defeat the AI.
A haven of peace.
We must therefore be content to play only to have the ability to manage his kingdom. The goal is to ensure the expansion and influence policy in your nation. You can form alliances, plan your military campaigns, and expand your territory or spy on your enemies: you are free to choose the areas you prefer to focus your efforts. To win the game, two methods are possible: become Emperor of Europe or have 10 cultural benefits. To be Emperor, he must either be elected by all the other sovereigns (which can happen if your kingdom is very powerful), or have all the provinces of Ireland to Russia and from Norway to the Mediterranean. And it takes a lot of time because to have under his control all these territories must wage war or to arranged marriages.
Tricks and planning
Offers from other leaders arrive periodically.
But before we get there, we obviously expand your kingdom. It is divided into independent provinces under the yoke of a big city where it is possible to guide development based on available resources. So be a seaside town with a fishmonger to sell fish and improve the distribution of food or docks to share with other kingdoms necessary food for both peoples. In contrast, a province in the interior can have significant resources wild animals and build a hut hunter will have food but also animal skins.
Each city will have its specificity which strongly encourages exchanges because having a maximum of different resources (skins, minerals …) is a precondition for access to new construction options and cultural benefits. Each of them indeed requires to be supplied with more food. Once you have met all the conditions that demand cultural advantage, you are automatically granted and gives you bonus (gold, production speed …). As we saw earlier, if you meet the 10 cultural benefits, you win the game.
A map can learn more about the relationship between the various kingdoms, their majority religion …
Ease of access
What I especially appreciate in Knights of Honor is the ease of access. Although less comprehensive than many other wargames, it remains that there is enough options to that one is literally glued to the screen. It is indeed very difficult to detach from the game once it has started to develop his little kingdom. There are so many things that need to ensure that it quickly becomes exciting. Management of diplomacy is also very careful, because really notice all the choices I make can have an impact in the longer term. Thus, the signing of an alliance may well save you from enemy attack thanks to the intervention of your ally, but it can also work against you if you refuse to go rescue your partner who asks you for a military aid.
Graphics 11/20
Nothing really exceptional level of graphics: there are the good old 2D could be more detailed. We regret a bit not having access to multiple zoom levels. But compared to other games in the genre such as Europa Universalis, it is still much less austere.
Gameplay 16/20
The gameplay is very fun and easy to pick up with the presence of a complete tutorial. It is therefore very suitable for those who want to experience smooth wargames, especially as the interface is really handy.
Life 15/20
The three periods available and the many kingdoms that are playable life of the game is very important. As for multiplayer, it’s a shame that we can play as battles and not party oriented management.
Soundtrack 13/20
The French dubbing is average as well as sound effects. Fortunately, some nice musical themes are present.
The single player campaign is not really the scenario: you select to run the kingdom and one of the three periods of the Middle Ages and is available party.
Rating 15/20
At last what i can say is…
Knights of Honor is a good wargame. While regulars kind criticize him perhaps a lack of wealth in the opportunities it offers, it nonetheless exciting. Its interface is neat compared to securities of the competition, its interface is practical and diplomatic aspect is very well run. It is really a pleasure to develop his kingdom and make alliances. A small problem though: the multiplayer. It confines itself to battles and does not allow players to compete on the management side. Shame!
nce that you take for rigor and in your same population, this attitude is cowardly little appreciated even by leading to revolts. Therefore manage his kingdom with a long-term project and ensuring on many parameters: the sovereign with whom I want to combine is at war with someone? Should I invest and I urge merchant to trade with this province with salt? In short, we think, we hesitate, we make mistakes or beautiful shots and we love it!